Georg Lanzinger – Decentralizing Royalties: How Blockchain is Reshaping the Creative Industries

The marriage of AI and blockchain is a great chance for both worlds to combine the best of the best. Art, AI and blockchain gives great opportunities for a WIN-WIN-WIN!!! The Generative AI Conference Reshaping Art is a topic for every artist, blockchain and AI savy guys.

What says Google Gemini

According to the video, speaker Georg Lanzinger, a business developer for web3 and an advocate for using blockchain technology in the art, music and photography industries, argues that blockchain can revolutionize these industries by:

  • Increasing transparency and traceability: Blockchain creates a public record of ownership and transactions, making it easier to track who owns a piece of art, music, or photography, and ensuring that artists are properly compensated for their work.
  • Enabling new forms of ownership and investment: NFTs (non-fungible tokens) allow for fractional ownership of digital assets, opening up new investment opportunities for collectors and fans.
  • Providing a secure and efficient way to manage royalties: Blockchain can automate royalty payments to artists whenever their work is sold on the secondary market, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring that artists receive their fair share.

Georg Lanzinger also highlights the importance of integrating generative AI with blockchain technology. Generative AI can be used to create unique and valuable artwork, while blockchain can provide a secure and transparent way to track ownership and manage royalties.

Overall, Georg Lanzinger’s talk is a positive and optimistic look at the potential of blockchain to transform the creative industries. He believes that blockchain can empower artists, collectors, and fans, and create a more fair and efficient ecosystem for everyone involved.

Generative AI Conference is the website for an event called The Generative AI Conference, which focuses on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the creative and marketing industries.

Here’s a summary of what the website offers:

  • Focus: The conference explores how AI is being used in various fields like marketing, music, film, video creation, TV, social media, fashion, and video games.
  • Target audience: The event is aimed at individuals interested in the growing field of generative AI, including established technologists, investors, startup entrepreneurs, creative professionals, policymakers, and anyone curious about the potential of AI in creative fields.

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